Why is the WeeRide the Best Bike Seat?

WeeRide Australia Bike Seat 11

Yes this is the fastest growing child bike seat in the Australia.
Yes it fits most bikes including oversized head tubes. No other seat fits as many bikes. With our new STEM ADAPTOR for bikes with no space under the headset we now fit 99% of bikes.
Yes it fits to FULL SUSPENSION MOUNTAIN BIKES which is unique.
Yes the seat comes with a headrest for your child to fall asleep on.
Yes the bar is easy to fit.
Yes it fits to Ladies and Men’s bikes.
Yes the Deluxe version is the most comfortable child seat available.
Yes it does have a 5 point safety strap whereas most others have 3 point. Some unbelievably have no restraints.
Yes our footrests are enclosed as we believe this is safer, and they are adjustable.
Yes you can switch between bikes in seconds with an extra bar.
Yes everything you need is in the box including seat, bar and tools.
Yes you can call us and we will answer your questions. We only want happy customers and if you have ANY problems, we will resolve. 0243 824347
Yes you can collect from us in Avoca Beach.
Yes you can try the seat out, no better way of seeing why everyone loves it.
Yes you can return if you don’t like.

Yes there are other seats that attach to the front or centre but before you buy, please take the above points into consideration or just
call us and we can provide you with all the reasons why the WeeRide is clearly the best seat available.


NO we do not connect to the handlebars or handlebar post as we do not believe this is safe and neither do the safety standards.
NO our seat does not interfere with the steering because of this.
NO the child seat does not move when you turn the handlebars as we think this in not comfortable for the child.
NO we have no plans to reduce the price by saving on our costs such as a lighter bar as we consider safety and quality as paramount.
NO your child seat will not wobble like other front seats due to the seat connections.

If you feel another seat answers the above better than a WeeRide then you should buy it, but please can you email me as well what this seat is, as I haven't seen it!
If you are thinking of buying another seat, feel free to ask my opinion. Yes I own WeeRide after originally buying one for my child so I am a fan.
But I can also see the benefits in other seats, and also might just flag up something you may have missed.....

10 thoughts on “Why is the WeeRide the Best Bike Seat?

  1. Ash says:

    Hi guys. We have Merida cross road 100 bikes, and there is not enough head tube clearance above the frame to clamp the front support onto. It just ends up slipping onto the stem, so can’t be tightened. Do you have anything I can do resolve this? Cheers, Ash

    • Mat Newman says:

      There looks like there is plenty of space on the pics I have seen. Please email me at Mat@WeeRide.com.au and we can discuss further.We do have an adaptor to change point of fixing.
      But I think it should fit as is, maybe just angle the attachment for grip.

    • Mat Newman says:

      The weight limits are set by EU (15kgs) and US (18kgs).
      They are set low as they are based on seats that attach to the handlebars where it is clearly dangerous to have too much weight.
      Our seat doesn’t attach in this way which is why it is unique.
      It actually improves the balance of the bike as the patented bar puts all the baby weight in the centre of the bike.
      Weight is never the factor that stops a child using the seat, it is height.
      Because kids have different body and leg make ups, and bikes have different geometries, we don’t give an official height.
      We just generalise and say height issue normally occurs at aged 4.

  2. Meaghan says:

    Hi, what’s the recommended weight/age minimum for this seat? My daughter can sit up at 5.5 months and I’d love to take her riding with me but only if it’s safe.

    • Mat Newman says:

      Minimum recommended is 1 year, but this is based on all seats and many 1 year would be minimum.
      I would say minimum on ours is 6 months.
      Your child must have strong enough neck muscles to cope with a helmet and the ride

  3. Martin says:

    Other brands mention not for use on carbon frame bikes, does the unique style of mounting on wee ride seats overcome this?

    • Mat Newman says:

      Hi Martin. Anything you attach to a carbon frame can cause damage if overtightened as there is the possibility of crushing. All I can say is in 20 years of selling WeeRide we havent had an incident to date. Just dont over tighten!

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